“A massage is just like a movie, really relaxing and a total escape, except in a massage you’re the star. And you don’t miss anything by falling asleep!” Elizabeth Jane Howard

Finally this week all the luggage has been put away like Russian Matryoshka nesting dolls. I thought there might be a storage challenge, but our new home is not short in that category.
On Monday, as per recommendation of our yoga teacher, Kathleen, we scheduled in-home massages with a Mezcala (indigenous area east of Chapala) Shaman named Exciquio. David was extremely impressed by his quick and strong hand movements and changes of pressure in his treatment. He asked him where he learned his technique and was told by his grandmother.
What surprised me most was how he manipulated my neck…I felt it was being shaken like a martini 🍸, although a weird sensation, the result was a lighter-than-air feeling. Afterward, we were discussing each individual massage and came to the conclusion that both our massages were tailored to our bodies’ needs. Kathleen had mentioned that he was very intuitive. We will now book him on a monthly basis.
David continued his volunteer decorating committee time in learning and creating gigantic paper flowers 🌸 for the upcoming Feria. One of the days’ lunch was included by the coordinator and our friend, Arvada. And since I did not have the slightest interest in making flowers…I volunteered to prepare a luncheon spread from the ingredients provided . . . let’s just said they all ate well 😝

The Jacuzzi re-tiling is coming along beautifully and should be completed by next week.
During our original stay I purchased a Xoloitzcuintli, the Mexican hairless dog, statue in a laying position and named Xolo … majestically guarding our front door, but lonely. So this week I went back and purchased another one that I’m naming Chucho, who stands tall and proud.
Here is my quandary – should I keep these names or rename them? Here are a few of the names that I’m toying with:
Lucy and Ricky
Frida and Diego
Cleopatra and Mark Anthony
Napoleón and Josefine
Romeo and Juliet
Please vote for your favorite lovers name ……I’m leaning towards Frida and Diego.
We purchased a big, beautiful natural rattan couch 🛋 and chaise combination for our terrace (floor model = great price). We just happened to walk into Nomad (local furniture store) with unusual pieces of furniture. The store has a policy where the furniture is brought to your house to see how it fits in to its surroundings. If it’s a fit, then you just pay for it. Once the couch was delivered and placed on the terrace the only way it was going back to the store was with me and David sitting on it……..had some concerns about its size, but it’s perfect. Next … searching for a coffee table.
Saturday, our friends M & D, came by to see the house, a glass of wine, then down the hill for dinner at Viva Mexico. It’s one of the few places lakeside with great Mexican food…..all our dishes quickly disappeared. During dinner, we were surprised with folkloric dancers 💃🏻🕺🏻 (the girls in twirling, deep blue skirts and white blouses with braids and ribbons in their hair; the boys with cowboy hats and brown fringed jackets (where do I get one?!). The performance added additional flavors to an already pleasant experience. Afterward, I asked them about the dance’s region and they were from Nuevo León, Monterey (up north)