“Haul Out The Holly”

“Haul Out The Holly”

Put up the tree before my spirit falls again
Fill up the stocking
I may be rushing things, but deck the halls again now
For we need a little Christmas
Right this very minute
Candles in the window
Carols at the spinet
Yes, we need a little Christmas
Right this very minute
Hasn’t snowed a single flurry, but Santa dear we’re in a hurry…

Lyrics from American composer and lyricist, Jerry Herman, Broadway musical “Mame”.

Boy, do we all need a little Christmas NOW! And favorite things. “Mame” is one of mine and it’s most definitely time to haul out the holly, jolly Christmas and all the trimmings to create our annual holiday wonderland. It’s the traditions of the season that give us a sense of purpose, belonging and continuity. In 2020, it’s more important than ever to bring it on!

Incredibly, this year our holiday trees are up before Thanksgiving and will stay up until after El Día de los Reyes … the Epiphany, January 6th. This goes against all my rules. ​”¡Nunca!​ Never do thee holiday decor go up until …”

I can just hear my BFF, Cyndi, screaming all the way down here, “NO WAY, JOSÉ!” Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year. But years spent traveling on the road meant that holiday decorations would always go up the week after Thanksgiving and come down the day after Christmas. Period.

Over the years I’ve accumulated and rotated holiday decorations; of which close to 80% made the move down to Mexico (sorry, Marie Kondo). Over the past two Christmases more baubles, bangles and beads have been acquired; especially prized are those created by local artisans. Our January trip to Tlalpujahua, a ​Pueblo Mágico,​ aka the Christmas Village in Michoacán, proved bountiful, adding exquisite, handcrafted ornaments and other beautiful objects.

To quote David, upon our first Christmas together 12 years ago, “It looks like Macy’s threw up in here!” Over the years he’s slowly given in to embrace my holiday ​locura,​ plus he does a magnificent job at placing each ornament just so for its maximum impact.

We now have four trees filling our spacious living area. Each fits a personal theme: Red Cardinals, Fairy Tales, Hanukkah and World Travels.

Red Cardinals.​ A VIP in my life, Sheila, made my Christmases so very special. Each year I relive those memories when the red cardinals go up. They’re at least a half-century old. A vibrant, brilliant red and lovingly stored in a vintage Buffum’s Christmas box. Buffum’s, founded in Long Beach, CA in 1904, had the reputation as the “Grand Dame” of high-end specialty department stores in the area. Their famous tea salon had the best chicken salad and toasted almond bread sandwich ever! I can still taste it. It’s these kind of memories that encapsulates traditions. I thank Sheila for her love and years of wonderful holiday magic we shared.

Fairy Tales.​ Imagine a tree full of charming, sequined felt fantasy ornaments galore. Decades ago, an article in The Long Beach Press-Telegram led me to a sweet, retired lady who lovingly designed, created and sewed up magical, handmade ornaments … mostly familiar fairy tale characters that we all know from our childhoods. They were LOVE at first sight.

My first year order kept her busy for months and then throughout the years. Growing up, I was a great reader of these stories; reading them over many times in two languages. Each ornament is uniquely original. It’s hard to pick a special one, but my favorite has to be the Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. He appears quite the dandy ~ giving a new spin to the story.

The ​Hanukkah​ tree has grown over the years from little seedling … to bush and now a grownup 6-foot tree. This all due to Hanukkah themed ornaments becoming more ubiquitous. And how lucky am I to be able to celebrate both holidays; as we affectionately call them ​Chrismukkah​. Eight little gifts over eight days celebrating The Festival of Lights.

Two favorites of mine are the little boy holding his dreidel toy that we bought in Israel and the blue glass octopus from a small shop in Paia, Maui, Hawai’i. David’s is the crochet knit stocking that his friend, Cornelia, made especially for him several years ago and always gets placed upfront and center.

World Travels.​ The Piece de Resistance Tree … filled to the brim with all things travel, our wedding theme of four years prior. We’ve even immortalized 2020’s infamous sheltering in place with three ornaments that will always (not too fondly) recall the year’s shortages: a bottle of hand sanitizer, roll of toilet paper and a woeful mask wearing Santa. Recalling Hanukkah, “Oy Vey!”

Some “worldly” favorite mementos: a NYC tradition ~ the black/white cookie bought at the now suddenly defunct 😢 Lord and Taylor’s department store on Fifth Avenue; a red double-decker London bus from Harrod’s, bought while shopping with my bestie, Jim (he of the Scottish kilt worn to our wedding); and the first of many Buddhas purchased in Hong Kong while on assignment there years ago.

As the ornaments are unpacked, this is certain – the memories of trips blending into one another – a veritable “Around The World in 80 Days” – all gathered together bringing forth the joys of remembrance of things past.

Do you remember that special toy from your childhood? The one that brings back fond memories? I was 7 or 8, growing up in Cuba, when the ​Reyes Magos​ gifted me with a shiny, red convertible Rolls Royce car toy with two passengers. They were out for a Sunday drive … the pretty woman with her blonde ponytail carrying a camera; once the car gets moving around the room (it honks its horn and shines its headlights); it will then stop and she’ll raise her camera and take a flash photo. How great is that?! As a kid I used to spend hours playing with it – but when my cousins came over, straight into the box it went. Sadly, it was left behind when fleeing Cuba as a twelve-year-old.

When my oldest nephew was about 3, I found the same toy car in downtown LA and gifted it to him. It may have lasted intact until New Years before it sadly broke. Several years ago I decided to search eBay and to my surprise discovered a few identical cars listed.

I connected with a seller in the UK, who still had it in its original box; placed the order and then waited with great anticipation. Upon opening the box, I turned back into that 8-year-old boy. Heck, every year when I open it up and place that red car under the tree all but brings joyful tears to my eyes.

Traditions, memories, people and places all bring together the best of what the holidays are all about. My wish to you and yours is that the upcoming holiday season be filled with lots of PB&J ~ Peace, Blessings and Joy de Mexico!

9 thoughts on ““Haul Out The Holly”

  1. I was tempted to call and see if I could come over and take an early peek but I got my wish here without asking! Does the pony tail girl’s red convertible work and if so do we get a demonstration? Leave a tiny space for one more tree.. It’s a tree I made for Yoli’s Barbie doll. Her mom won’t let me give it to her before December, so I make bring it over to join the festivities on Thanksgiving. I’ve also written both a Thanksgiving and Xmas poem–the Thanksgiving one in your honor, at least in the title, as it is “Thanksgiving with the Neighbors.” I’ll bring you a copy. Looking forward to seeing this splendor in person.

  2. I love this post. Thank you for sharing all these memories with us. I always looked forward to see all the Christmas decorations in your house. I remember the days we would go out and sing Christmas Carols in Long Beach when Sheila was alive. Love to you both!

  3. Thanks so much for the virtual tour and the special stories of holidays past. Connecting virtually is now the norm, and I’m actually grateful for it. Always thankful for your friendship and wishing you both all the best this holiday season.

  4. Thank you for your latest Musings.
    What a spectacular Christmas display!
    You truly have some awesome Christmas treasures. Lovely going down memory lane with you.
    🎼Starting to feel a lot like Christmas 🎶
    You have put me in the mood for Christmas decorating. 🌲🎁🎅🤶
    Hugs to you both
    🎼 we’ll meet again, don’t no when, don’t know where but…. 🎶let’s hope it’s sooner than later.
    Till then have fun and stay safe.
    Clare and Hans.

  5. Oh yes, it works on my laptop (darn ipad) I love your ornaments (nearly all of mine went to the kids…moved with only what fit in the car) & your memories, tho different made me think of some of my own 🙂 Thanks for including me! Nancy

  6. You brought Molback’s to Mexico with you! Of course I especially love the Cardinal tree. I have a red cardinal ornament in memory of Aunt Sheila. I loved Buffum’s tea room too! It was always a treat to have lunch there when we went shopping. I enjoyed the Monte Cristo Sandwich along with your favorite. Yummm my mouth is watering………. Thank god for our memories especially since we will not be able to be with family this year.
    Love to you both, Julie

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