“In private, I’m a hippie who follows Buddhism, does yoga, meditates, and loves to dance wildly.” Laura Harring

We are at the two week mark of our Mexico experiment and life like water is finding its own level.
This week we made it to Yoga 3 times, 2 gentle yoga and 1 ageless yoga class. I don’t know about the gentle the only thing that was missing was sun salutations. Taught by three different teachers so we got three completely different workouts. I have fallen madly in love with Ana her soothing voice, her assuring firm and warm touch when she adjusts you. Kari, please don’t be jealous you will always be my first love and I miss my yoga family.
Rather than breakfast after class David and I go to lunch. Classes start at 10:30. At the studios, the yogis are a mix of shapes and size bunch mostly retirees, and a few locals very welcoming to newcomers.

I have to gossip and tell you about a yogi I have lovingly named Tex – BIG coiffed hair, tightly fitted leopard print yoga pants, black t-shirt with a plunging neckline, with the girls encased in a Madona style cone bra singed at the waist with a wide contrasting belt. It’s getting better she is in full impeccable applied makeup, with eyelashes so long that they can act as bumpers if she ever crashes into a wall. She seems very nice and smiles a lot.
Our Wednesday routine now consists of sit and fit class followed by a trip to the Tianguis, where this week I had to pull, push and scratch my way into the flower seller stall (Mexican Mother’s Day here is always celebrated on May 10th) emerging victorious with a dozen white gladiolus, dozen red roses and a bunch of multiple dyed strawflowers…..total damage $9.20. This week’s vegetable find was yellow corn sweet as sugar. When David asked the seller in Spanish which was the sweetest the white or yellow, the seller plus two other customers responded in unison el Amarillo, David response seguro……….his español is improving day by day.

Through the Ajijic Foodies group on Facebook, we found a person that makes and deliveries bagels an order was placed, eaten and new orders will be placed in the future. We have a few left in the freezer. We can get frozen lox at Walmart, so Sunday morning tradition is saved.
We keep exploring the town, this time we walked the length of the malecón a pedestrian walk along the lake, dotted with benches, kids play areas, and picnic tables. Aimlessly wandering back home through its cobblestones streets, colorfully painted buildings, and a mural or two.
Have spoken with a few real estate agents, even toured a house, but the kitchen did not seduced me.
Cheryl our friend and local guide has gone NOB ( north of the border) for a week of vacation in Savanah and Charleston ……….so any exploring this weekend will be done via bus, stay tuned for the experience.
The rainy season seems to be a little earlier this year and this week we had a night of howling wind and rain…….but the days are sunny and breezy.

Wishing you all a great weekend ahead and for those of you who are mommies…….a very Wonderfully Happy Mother’s Day.