“Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest. By doing this, you can reset your life and embark on a new lifestyle.” Marie Kondo

The past few weeks have been an eye opener. I did not have the slightest idea I lived in such a humongous house. Let me explain …
David called me an organized hoarder – who knew I‘d collected so much stuff throughout the years?! That’s when all the hidden bags and boxes started coming out from the “woodwork” – the garage, back room storage shelves, closets and cupboards, etc. with decades of accumulated treasures and souvenirs.
When traveling I’d purchase trinkets at every monument, museum and church visited. Came home and asked myself why I bought it then it was either displayed or put away. I now think back that in the moment of such awe inspiring moments that I wanted to forever capture it with mementoes. We can’t capture moments but live them.
In the midst of this gigantic treasure hunt David broke his glasses when he was attacked by a stack of empty holiday cookie tins that came tumbling down on his face – neatly splitting his eyeglasses in two right at the bridge. We had to rush to the optometrist and buy a new (fashionable) replacement pair.
So you might ask what strategy was used to decide what to take. It was simply “Love It or Leave It” … with all love items placed in the living room, all leave items were placed in the dining room and every other available space except for our bedroom, which became a much needed sanctuary space.
Some items kept going back and forth between rooms – love one minute, leave the next, but finally a decision was made. Who knew I had so many attachments?! Kari, I’m still learning.
Honestly, the hardest thing has been the organized chaos and stress we’ve been living under lately……at times I just wanted to run away from it all.
Today the movers came and packed up the contents in the living room staging area. Amazingly all of our belongings fit into just two skiffs measuring 7’ x 7’ x 4 1/2’. I had my doubts, but the guys managed to creatively and ingeniously pack a total of 83 items (boxes, furniture, rugs, artwork, etc.). They are now on its way to San Juan Cosola.
Next week we deal with the Estate $ale.
There is light at the end of the tunnel and I’m starting to believe it’s not a TRAIN.