“Once you say you’re going to settle for second, that’s what happens to you in life.” John F Kennedy

We left P’town behind after 3 relaxing days and headed to Boston. Along the drive down the Cape we came across a slower slice of Americana, a “reel” life drive-in-movie theatre in Wellfleet, built in the year I was born – what a throwback.
Our first stop – the JFK Presidential Library, an imposing glass square overlooking Columbia Point in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, and designed by I.M. Pei, who just died at 102.
The library collection is divided into 3 sections of JFK’s life: his early life, his campaign for the Senate and presidency and his presidency. There are a few galleries dedicated to Jackie. What I found most moving was a hall between exhibits that was totally painted in black, with only the date of his assassination as you entered it.
As I walked through the displays and read his accomplishments – could not help think of the vast differences between the moralistic stand of our 35th President and the egotistical stand of #45.
We are using the last of my Marriott points for a hotel on the Charles River across from the North End and steps away from the USS Constitution. Good thing the hotel room is free since parking is $50 per day! We have a two room suite, with a bathroom the size of our entire room at our B&B in P’town. That place was charming and well appointed, but the bathroom was minuscule…I showered at the spa attached to the facility, since I found the shower claustrophobic.
We spent a beautiful, sunny and warm afternoon in Bean Town meandering through the historic North End; following along the red brick Freedom Trail. We stopped by the North Church and I asked David if he wanted to tour, but when a swarm of school kids descended upon us we quickly nixed that idea.
When in the North End you go Italian, to the extent of comparing cannolis from two popular bakeries. In my limited taste experience, the Bova Bakery wins hands down over the overflowing with tourist Mike’s Pastry. Dinner at the Daily Catch across the street – a 20 seat cash only seafood restaurant where the only refreshment option is water!
Our starters: stuffed calamari in a rich, flavorful red sauce – you could pour that sauce over a brick and ask for seconds. David’s Clams Casino overshadowed the ones he ordered in P’town and my homemade, black ink spaghetti in a calamari, garlic and olive oil ragú…….why did I let the waiter convince me to order the appetizer size, I could have eaten a plateful.