“Over and over I marvel at the blessings of my life: Each year has grown better than the last.” Lawrence Welk

What a week celebrating our first Thanksgiving in our new home and rushing around town seeking and gathering all the necessary provisions.
A trip to Costco and Super Soriana where David’s eyes lighted up like a Christmas tree when we came across a 3 x 2 sign on all wines and spirits – buy 3 and pay for 2. We’re now supplied at least into the new year.
On Wednesday, I drove to the airport to pick up our first NOB guest, our friend Jeanette, plus the 50 pounds of hard-to-find goodies: David’s Kosher Salt (the brand’s name) my favorite preserves, a pair of new yoga pants and most crucial and importantly – Pepperidge Farm Stuffing for David’s Mom’s recipe. The minute Jeanette sent me her flight confirmation, Amazon started raining down at her house with packages.
On Thanksgiving, it was a flurry of last-minute cooking, 🦃 in the oven, homemade sangria in hand, and time to chill out and wait for the arrival of our guests.
The menu:
🍯 Baked Ham
David’s Mom’s Stuffing
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Creamed Spinach
Cranberry Sauce two ways – Jamaica (Hibiscus) style & Orange
Ginger Glazed 🥕
Balsamic Brussels Sprouts
Bread ‘n Butter
Desserts – with an avalanche of choices…….pumpkin and apple pies, macarons, pumpkin flan and fruit tarts
Blessed with full stomachs and sharing the evening with dear old friends and new ones …..the event wrapped up with 🐕 ‘s bags – like always I cooked for a battalion and only the generals showed up.
Satisfied, we went to bed since we had to wake up early. We were joining friends for breakfast at the Victoria Hotel and the start of our greatly anticipated Tequila Tour.
I was able to gather up and arrange a private tour of an enthusiastic group of friends to fill a small van – we were a ragtag troupe, but how much fun we had. Our destination was a small distillery called Los Tres Toños, which I originally understood as de tres coños. Our guide/driver, Luis Enrique, was well versed in the Tequila process and answered all our questions about cultivation, harvesting, distillery, and the most important step – consumption!
Sipping, tasting, sipping, tasting – lost count on the many samples we consumed: Blanco, Reposado, Añejos, Extra Añejos, Cristalinos – once, twice, three times distilled, flavored. My taste ran to the Añejos and a tamarind flavored tequila that will make a perfect relaxing cocktail with a few ice cubes and a touch of soda water……..I do like my tamarind drinks.
Lunch was at a big palapa-styled restaurant overlooking the Tequila Valley. I selected the buffet with its many choices but focused on the luxuriously, colorful nopales salad with fresh handmade tortillas. Afterward, we visited the town of Tequila for more tasting and shopping……..well, tasting for me was a scoop of chocolate ice cream.
Jeanette returned home Saturday night, but not before a whirlwind day. Breakfast was at our favorite spot In Chapala, then a walk along the Malecón to glimpse the white pelicans that have migrated south for the winter. We witnessed a feeding frenzy as a local fisherman was throwing them fish carcasses, it was a free-for-all.

It was on to the historical center in Guadalajara where she kept pointing her camera lens at all the strikingly powerful Orozco murals.