” The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us.” Ashley Montagu, anthropologist

” The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us.”  Ashley Montagu, anthropologist

This week was a quick trip to LaLaLand to surprise my family gathered for a trifecta of celebrations:

  • Meeting my oldest nephew, Eddie, and their new baby girl, Havana Sky – or as I call her, The New Princess
    ** My middle nephew, Chris, is visiting from Miami with his two young girls – have not seen them since Leo’s and Mayra’s wedding
    *** The youngest nephew, Leo, is having a Surprise 30th Birthday Party – the age he can no longer be trusted!

Sitting on the plane I leave with trepidation … David’s alone Lakeside; he drove himself home from the airport (a first!). Hopefully, he finds his way back to pick me up, or it’s a burro over the mountain pass for me! A New Yorker driving in México is a match made in heaven……..or else an OMG moment.

On my last call with my sister, she mentioned how wonderful it was to have all her loved ones together, but sadly, I’d be missing from the picture. It was at David’s insistence that I make this trip … just waiting for the doctor to give him a clean bill of health with the hernia. The ticket was purchased at the last minute with a combination of cash and points.

Mouths wide open upon my surprise appearance suddenly walking through the front door. The usual gang of family and friends were there – with lots of hugs, kisses, laughter, and tears of joy and happiness. I quickly passed them all and went straight to grab hold of Sweet Baby Havana Sky, The New Princess. My sister quickly hit me on my shoulder and said she’d told Susie, Eddie’s wife, that she’d had a premonition that Nito (me) would show up.

As far as surprises go, this one went quite well ~ mi Tía Rita y Padrino were my cohorts on pulling off my unannounced visit. The birthday boy, Leo, received a double surprise as I sneaked up behind him and wished him a Feliz Cumpleaños; conveniently, he had dark glasses and quickly put them on as we both got teary-eyed.

I spent half the night gazing at and/or holding Havana Sky and the other half answering questions from family and longtime friends about our lives in México. There were lots of questions that finally had me wondering, “Are all these people going to be moving down here?! HAVE I CREATED A MONSTER?!”

The party was such a happy reminder of when I was growing up in Cuba and the US ~ there was always a mix of kids running around carefree and the adults all having a good time. Now, with so many little third cousins here, my brilliant idea is they should all wear tee shirts with their names on them and who they belong to!

On Friday morning I got a text from one of my L.A. tenants about a water leak and damage to the garage wall. How convenient and fortunate ~ this trip is now tax-deductible ~ hurrah! And now, since I’d be in Wilmington, the opportunity arose for another great surprise … this time with my yoga family … and to show up unannounced for class. There were screams of joy, followed by breakfast and much laughter. I got teary-eyed having missed those cherished Saturday morning gatherings.

Our lovely nonagenarian next-door neighbors, Cleo and John, invited us over for a round of Mexican dominos, a glass of wine, and dinner afterward at Viva México restaurant. We accepted their invitation, but with a slight change – we’d love to host them at our home instead.

They arrived at the appointed time and Cleo instructed David how to play Mexican Train. I’d played before with our other neighbor, Judith, but realized that there are many rule variations, so you just play along to “whichever house rules.” A lovely time was had; managing to cook up a tasty meal of marinated salmon, leek mashed potatoes, and roasted asparagus with baby cherry tomatoes; dessert from Marisa Bakery in town ~ their sinful Chocolate Brownie Cake ~ To Die For ~ best ever!

Quick follow-up on the farm-fresh cucumber I got on last Saturday’s horseback ride … simply sliced and sprinkled with Tajin, the chili/lime seasoning, it was relished like a cool summer breeze.

On The Menu​: Cuban-style Garbanzo Bean Soup, with carrots, potatoes, and spinach in a rich, aromatic tomato broth. Chinese-style fried rice with pan-roasted scallops.

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