“The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire.” Pamela Hansford Johnson, English novelist

“The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire.” Pamela Hansford Johnson, English novelist

It’s been challenging to find something inspirational or interesting to write about during these uncertain times … and then the shifting streaks of vibrant colors began splashing in front of my eyes. An almost daily treat of colorful, wintry sunsets sign each day off. Fortunately, at this time of year the sun begins to set directly across Lake Chapala from us. It’s a free ticket to a fleeting and glorious gift of nature.

A whole spectrum of oranges, yellows, reds and blues, in soft hues to violent tones become part of the spectacle over the lake. Could it be that being situated at 5,000 feet above sea level gives the light more clarity and brilliance? Perhaps it’s another reason why this area attracts so many artists/painters.

What surprise will day’s end bring? The anticipation grows as daylight wanes and atmospheric conditions conspire with the gathering clouds and magically begin transforming the darkening sky with their formations and begin the show as they reflect the sun’s last rays.

The moment we notice the colorful overtures begin, we rush out to gawk in awe of this “fire show” that Pacha Mamá (Mother Earth) gifts us. It’s a quick performance and we’re eager to relish it.

Puesta del sol​ is simply the rays of white sunlight traveling through the atmosphere. The colors are scattered out of the beam by air molecules and airborne particles; changing the final color of the beam the viewer sees. Because the shorter wavelength components, such as blue and green, scatter more strongly, these colors are preferentially removed from the beam. This leaves the longer wavelengths of orange and red hues that we see linger.

So wherever you are, if you see a sunset, stop and take in all its glory and beauty for it will be good for your soul.

Still cooking up a storm … continuing my experimentation with the flavors of Mexican chiles and their assorted dishes; and now adding rotisserie chicken to the menu, courtesy of David’s new toaster oven … perfectly seasoned, moist and delicious. Only next time I need to buy a smaller chicken. Our local poultry shop sells big, plump and vibrantly yellow chickens (they’re fed marigolds) that are like small turkeys! This makes for lots of leftovers …

David does not like leftovers and says this about what to do with them, “Everything tastes better in a burrito!” Lately however, leftovers have been stuffed into towering tostada masterpieces; these crispy, homemade bowls are easily made beforehand. This way David eats 99% of whatever I throw in. Although sometimes he’ll make special requests and I usually respond with a negative version of an old Burger King ad, ​“you can’t have it your way.”

I dedicate this to the joyful memory of Anita Contratto (8.20.1929 – 12.7.2020). She savored life and lived it to the fullest and always accessorized with her great big smile. 

With LOVE, Sergio y David

16 thoughts on ““The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire.” Pamela Hansford Johnson, English novelist

  1. So gorgeous. Sunsets and tostadas. You’ve convinced me. I’m adding them to my menu! A lovely blog, neighbor.

      1. The pictures have made me hungry. Wish there were restaurants here where the food looked that good & taste fantastic. Your posts are so wonderful – thank you & I love & miss you both

        1. Great to hear from you. My food presentation have been on the upswing. Having fun trying and presenting new dishes and David is very appreciative. The minute we can travel we will be up missing my family and friends. Stay well.

    1. Hola hopes all is well with you and the family in DF. It was hard selecting the photos between david and i we have quite a few.

  2. Beautiful sunsets! We are also experiencing the gorgeous, swirling colors here on the coast. Love your food talk and excellent photos; the photos themselves look good enough to eat. Miss seeing you on Sat. yoga. Hopefully my knee will be mended soon.

    1. Hola hopes you are mending a la JACK, with the speed of sound. Thanks for the compliments on the food, but sometimes as I cook I dream of walking into a restaurant and being attentively served………………stay well and wish a happy recovery.

  3. It has been quite a while since we’ve heard from you, but most definitely worth the wait. Thanks so much for the inspiration. Sending lots of love your way.

    1. Hola hopes all is well in LA. Like I mentioned it has been hard to find inspiration. But sometimes all you need to do is take a good look around you.

    2. Red sky’s at morning, sailors warning, yet, reds sky’s at night; sailor delight. Reflections of you both, just delight. !! Gratitude eith hummingbird songs.

  4. Totally awesome photos.
    Love the dedication to Anita, beautiful lady and a lovely photo.
    Hans says hi.
    We’ll meet again.
    Hugs xxxxx

    1. Thanks for reading. Anita was a special lady, she will be missed. Let us hope soon we can share some good food and laughs. Stay Safe. Carinos Sergio

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