“We all face storms in life. Some are more difficult than others, but we all go through trials and tribulations. That’s why we have the gift of faith. “ Joyce Meyer Author

The freaky storms that dropped 1 1/2 meter of hail in a concentrated area of Guadalajara made all the World’s news feed. Considering its Summertime, the photo was all the more amazing in our normally temperate climate. The same storm whipped up the winds on Lakeside to almost hurricane strengths and lucky for us the electrical power stayed on. We had minor damage … a terra-cotta planter that is over 3 feet tall with a cactus as high was knocked over and split in two. Our wooden destination wedding sign was thrown halfway down our patio stairs.
4th of July celebration Mexican style……..at our friend, Arvada. She decorated her home with Mexican paper flowers in bright white, red, and blue patriotic colors. A potluck menu offered an array of delicious choices: Mexican BBQ chicken, potato salad, macaroni & cheese, pasta salad, fruit salad, Chile relleno from restaurant LA133 (best in town), and Cuban Chili aka Picadillo (a crowd favorite). For dessert: homemade blueberry cheesecake and David made an elaborate Hawaiian Cake decorated in a patriotic motif……….no loud fireworks down here, claro que sí, but we hear enough cohetes most days of the year to last a lifetime.

During our annual physical checkups, it was discovered that David had an umbilical hernia that was at an operable state; so on Friday, we drove into the big city for the surgery. We had no expectations in regards to a Mexican hospital, but Hospital Country 2000 looks like a resort with two-4 story towers. All patients’ rooms are arranged around an open atrium, with comfortable sitting areas for families to gather. The private room is large and nicely appointed and his care has been 5-star caliber. I requested for him to be kept overnight for observation. With his incision, I don’t think he’ll be wearing Speedos during our upcoming week in Playa del Carmen (or ever for that matter).

Claro que sí there’s orange jello at the hospital cafeteria, but also a very tasty and diversified menu. My dinner consisted of a rich, creamy, and mildly spiced cilantro and jalapeño soup; an entree of grilled white fish fillet accompanied by crispy fries and a side salad….to top it all a nice, strong cappuccino.
For David’s recuperation at home, I get to play Nurse Ratched over the next few days…..the sweet, nice Florence Nightingale version isn’t my cup o’ tea.
For months we‘ve been wanting to meet our neighbors … and now I know what I want to be when I grow up ~ Cleo and John, 98 and 96 years young, respectively, and sharp as a tack. They married four years ago; she is his fourth wife. We finally introduced ourselves at their local dining hangout. Afterward, she came to our table and said to me, “Weren’t you the young man (!) that came to our door with a beautiful bouquet of flowers ?” My reply, “Sorry, that was not me.”

Well, the next day was market day, so while at my flower guy, Javier, I asked him to make me a special, big bouquet. Got home … called Cleo and mentioned having something for her. We immediately walked over, rang her doorbell while holding a bouquet bigger than her……..her bright smile could have powered a nuclear plant. I think she pulled a fast con in receiving flowers. Looking forward to sharing some meals with them because I find both possessing fascinating lives.
On The Menu this week: luscious, red homemade 🍅 soup accompanied by grilled cheese panini sandwiches: pepper jack, panela cheese and a sprinkling of blue cheese.

I have commented on the abundance of fauna in our backyard. Thursday, our housekeeper, Maria Elena, came rushing into the house – “Señor, there is a snake on the walkway – please kill it!” So we both rushed out … David, camera in hand……..so I scoop the little 🐍 and threw it over the fence into the neighbor’s backyard to deal with it.