“Write what you want to write.” Chloe Thurlow

We have kept a very low profile this week since I have been fighting a little intestinal bug, but it was busy by anybody’s standards.
Last Sunday we ventured with our new friends, Darryl and Mike, where ex-pats don’t dare go. On a stretch of the Carretera between Ajijic and San Juan Cosola, there must be at least a dozen seafood restaurants all lined up together. During the week it’s like a ghost town, but come the weekend the highway is jammed with traffic and hawkers trying to get you to pull into their respective restaurants, shouting, wildly waving, showing you menus, and directing you to park.
I had researched on trip advisor our destination, Mariscos El Carnal ~ an immense two-story open air palapa style building, that you reach by a footpath lined with ponds and bridges. I forgot to mention the huge Jaws replica by the entrance ~ a great spot for a selfie.
Since we were early, we snagged a perfect view table right on the lake. The restaurant was fairly empty (should I start to worry?) but by the time our very colorful drinks arrived it was beginning to fill up and by the time our dinner orders were placed, the place was jammed with hundreds. After a leisurely, relaxing dinner (I devoured an incredible, whole grilled fish) we opted for the complimentary dinghy boat cruise along the shores of Lake Chapala. A nice way to cap our Sunday.
With just 3 short weeks left here, we arranged a consultation with a lawyer to get further clarifications on my due negligence for immigration (some of them conflicting). She told me the same thing David has been telling me, “ … stop reading the internet!” We left her office with a clearer understanding and reassurance.
This week we also arranged for our US mailbox address in Laredo, Texas, that a local service utilizes for delivery to a mailbox in Ajijic. Details, details.
We finally made it to what our friends call the Neiman Marcus of the Lake ~ a lovely Mexican-inspired cotton clothing shop/stall. It’s located on the Chapala Malecón. It has a wide, colorful selection of women’s and men’s clothing all jam-packed into a small space. The fun proprietress helped us select shirts for each of us. And you can only imagine how inexpensive they were.
I went to the airport solo this morning to return our rental car and was able to catch the trip back with Manuel………tomorrow we return to our own two feet getting around town racking up all those “Fitbit steps” we so covet!