“Never be a food snob. Learn from everyone you meet – the fish guy at your market, the lady at the local diner, farmers, cheese makers. Ask questions, try everything and eat up!” Rachael Ray

Hola is hard to believe that we are approaching our first weekend.
This week was busy.
Tuesday I cooked our first meal this kitchen is challenging as to its resources but I’m making due. After dinner we were treated to a light show of thunder and lighting for a few hours along with torrential rains at time knocking out the satellite connection. We get Shaw satellite from Canada we are learning their channel structure.
Wednesday we joined Cheryl at her sit and fit exercise class, a very ebullient teacher with a selection of great old tunes, and although we were sitting for the entire 50 minutes he kicked our butts……we plan to become regulars,
After class we were off to explore the Wednesday Tianguis 3 long blocks of fresh vegetables, fish, meats, flowers, food stands, clothing, jewelry, all type of household items. This is where the town shops, nationals and expats all commingling selecting the best that local merchants have to offer.
Although I bought from several vendors, did spot a few that can become favorites……especially the flower vendor.
Lunch was fish tacos at the busiest stand on the market, they were delicious and with a large selections of customizing toppings.

Back home loaded with bags of foods, it was time to make dinner.
Thursday we walked into town, and join the Chapala Lake Society they offer all kind of services, seminars, trips and a loaning library, its ground are a miniature arboretum with nooks and crannies to sit and relax.
We wondered thought town looking at its brightly colorful murals and doors……..through our wonders we dropped into the Peso store and found a side street tortillera becoming us with the scent of fresh corn, half a kilo later they are not sold by the dozen and a taste sample we headed out to lunch.
Lunch a vegetarian restaurant, to become our favorite the food was fresh and extremely tasty.
Today we will check out the yoga studio, and hope to start classes next week……maybe will catch the new Avengers film if I can drag David to it.